
Powershell ile IIS kurulumu nasıl yapılır?

Bu makalede, Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2, Microsoft Windows Server 2016 ve Microsoft Windows Server 2019 çalıştıran bir sunucuya IIS’in PowerShell ile nasıl yükleneceği açıklanmaktadır.

Internet Information Services (IIS), Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2, Microsoft Windows Server 2016 ve Microsoft Windows Server 2019 işletim sistemlerinin minimum kurulumunda varsayılan olarak gelmez.

IIS’yi kullanabilmek için söz konusu sunucuya kurmanız ve ardından yapılandırmanız gerekir. Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2, Microsoft Windows Server 2016 ve Microsoft Windows Server 2019 çalıştıran bir sunucuya IIS yüklemek için aşağıdaki komutları kullanabilirsiniz.

Aşağıdaki kodu PS ekranına yapıştırın.

Install-WindowsFeature NET-Framework-Core, NET-Framework-45-ASPNET, Web-WebServer,Web-Health, Web-Performance, Web-Security, Web-App-Dev, Web-Ftp-Server, Web-Mgmt-Tools, Web-Scripting-Tools, Web-Http-Redirect, Web-DAV-Publishing, Web-Custom-Logging, Web-Log-Libraries, Web-ODBC-Logging, Web-Request-Monitor, Web-Http-Tracing, Web-Dyn-Compression, Web-Basic-Auth, Web-IP-Security, Web-Windows-Auth, Web-Net-Ext, Web-Net-Ext45, Web-ASP, Web-Asp-Net, Web-Asp-Net45, Web-CGI, Web-ISAPI-Ext, Web-ISAPI-Filter, Web-Includes, Web-Ftp-Ext, Web-Mgmt-Compat, Web-Metabase, Web-Lgcy-Scripting, Web-WMI

Kurulum sorunsuz tamamlandığında aşağıdaki ekranı göreceksiniz.

Success Restart Needed Exit Code Feature Result

Kurulumu kontrol etmek için aşağıdaki komutu yazıyoruz.


PowerShell penceremizde Web Server (IIS) bölümünü buluyoruz.

Kurulum tamamlanmıştır. Yüklemesini yaptığımız role and feature listesi aşağıdaki gibidir.

[X] .NET Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0) NET-Framework-Core Installed
[X] ASP.NET 4.5 NET-Framework-45-ASPNET Installed
[X] Web Server (IIS) Web-Server Installed
[X] Web Server Web-WebServer Installed
[X] Common HTTP Features Web-Common-Http Installed
[X] Default Document Web-Default-Doc Installed
[X] Directory Browsing Web-Dir-Browsing Installed
[X] HTTP Errors Web-Http-Errors Installed
[X] Static Content Web-Static-Content Installed
[X] HTTP Redirection Web-Http-Redirect Installed
[X] WebDAV Publishing Web-DAV-Publishing Installed
[X] Health and Diagnostics Web-Health Installed
[X] HTTP Logging Web-Http-Logging Installed
[X] Custom Logging Web-Custom-Logging Installed
[X] Logging Tools Web-Log-Libraries Installed
[X] ODBC Logging Web-ODBC-Logging Installed
[X] Request Monitor Web-Request-Monitor Installed
[X] Tracing Web-Http-Tracing Installed
[X] Performance Web-Performance Installed
[X] Static Content Compression Web-Stat-Compression Installed
[X] Dynamic Content Compression Web-Dyn-Compression Installed
[X] Security Web-Security Installed
[X] Request Filtering Web-Filtering Installed
[X] Basic Authentication Web-Basic-Auth Installed
[ ] Centralized SSL Certificate Support Web-CertProvider Available
[ ] Client Certificate Mapping Authentic… Web-Client-Auth Available
[ ] Digest Authentication Web-Digest-Auth Available
[ ] IIS Client Certificate Mapping Authe… Web-Cert-Auth Available
[X] IP and Domain Restrictions Web-IP-Security Installed
[ ] URL Authorization Web-Url-Auth Available
[X] Windows Authentication Web-Windows-Auth Installed
[X] Application Development Web-App-Dev Installed
[X] .NET Extensibility 3.5 Web-Net-Ext Installed
[X] .NET Extensibility 4.5 Web-Net-Ext45 Installed
[ ] Application Initialization Web-AppInit Available
[X] ASP Web-ASP Installed
[X] ASP.NET 3.5 Web-Asp-Net Installed
[X] ASP.NET 4.5 Web-Asp-Net45 Installed
[X] CGI Web-CGI Installed
[X] ISAPI Extensions Web-ISAPI-Ext Installed
[X] ISAPI Filters Web-ISAPI-Filter Installed
[X] Server Side Includes Web-Includes Installed
[ ] WebSocket Protocol Web-WebSockets Available
[X] FTP Server Web-Ftp-Server Installed
[X] FTP Service Web-Ftp-Service Installed
[X] FTP Extensibility Web-Ftp-Ext Installed
[X] Management Tools Web-Mgmt-Tools Installed
[X] IIS Management Console Web-Mgmt-Console Installed
[X] IIS 6 Management Compatibility Web-Mgmt-Compat Installed
[X] IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility Web-Metabase Installed
[ ] IIS 6 Management Console Web-Lgcy-Mgmt-Console Available
[X] IIS 6 Scripting Tools Web-Lgcy-Scripting Installed
[X] IIS 6 WMI Compatibility Web-WMI Installed
[X] IIS Management Scripts and Tools Web-Scripting-Tools Installed


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